About Us

We have various clubs and activities for all ages taking place in our church throughout the week.

We are a very friendly church, based in the centre of Clitheroe, and invite you to come and see for yourself.

The Church's multi-purpose worship area is based at street level. Remodelling of the main entrance, with the addition of a lift, has allowed full disabled access.

Our congregation has a wide age span and our Junior Church club has lots of fun activities.

We have a variety of clubs and activities for both the adults and children of our parish and welcome everyone to join us in our events and services.

During the last few years, as a result of the congregation's vision for a Street level Church, a project group was formed.

The church building has been developed to create a multi-functional worship space, with some new windows and new disabled access and facilities. There is still work ongoing to make the church more eco friendly and energy efficient. We would welcome more donations to help achieve all the required maintenance and project work.

We are a Fairtrade church, which means we use and also promote fairly traded products such as teas, coffee, sugar, handwash etc.

We have given our support to a toilet improvement initiative in Saleh Jath village in Sindh Province, Pakistan one of our toilets is twinned to theirs. For more information please go to: www.toilettwinning.org

We are a member of Clitheroe Churches in Partnership which comprises all the churches in Clitheroe. These are the Church of England, Roman Catholic, Methodist, The United Reformed Church, the Salvation Army and the Community Church.